How to Use Herbal Salves & Ointments to Shrink Your Hemorrhoids

Comfrey Herbal Salve

Here is an herbal combination that contains herbs thatpromote the healing of skin wounds and blood vessel, isantiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing, and antiitching.

Here is what is in it:

* Comfrey root

* St. John's Wort flower and bud

* Calendula flower

* Plantain leaf

* Chickweed herb

* Mullein leaf

Here's how to use it:

Clean the area where you want to apply the salve. Applythe salve to the anus or slightly into the rectum by rubbingto soften the salve. This application can be done at night soyou get a good dose of this salve as it passes through the skin.Use for 6 days, then rest one day. Use for 6 week, then rest one-week.

When using any kind of salve and herbal extracts, keepthem in the refrigerator. This keeps them fresh and givesyour hemorrhoids a "cool relief " feeling.

Veri-Gone salve

Veri-Gone is a salve that was made for varicose veins and hasbeen used for general cases of hemorrhoids.

* Witch Hazel

* Echinacea Extract

* Calendula Extract

* Chamomile essential oil

* Alcohol

* Distilled water

Here's a link where you can find this salve. This site has variety of salve formulations.

Ghee - Turmeric Salve

Here's a Ghee mixture that is listed in, New Choices inNatural Healing, 1995, by prevention magazinehealth books.

Combine 1 teaspoon of ghee with 1/2 teaspoon of turmericpowder. Apply some of this mixture onto your hemorrhoidsjust before you go to bed.

Here's how to use it:

* Apply it for 3 nights in a row

* Stop for two nights

* Resume for three nights

* Continue this cycle until your hemorrhoids are gone

Wear old clothes when you use this combination since theturmeric will stain your clothes. The discoloration on yourskin will clear after two-three weeks or sooner.

Zinc Oxide Ointment

Zinc Oxide is readily available in a drugstore or throughoutthe Internet. It is useful in reducing hemorrhoids symptoms,since it is astringent, antiseptic, and antibacterial.

Zinc oxide will keep the area dry from moisture and will helpto reduce itching and chafing. Use it as often as you likeand, of course, when you go to bed.

Pilewort Ointment

Pilewort is an herb that has a history of being used forhemorrhoids. It is a fast acting hemorrhoid remedy. It isan astringent, tones the blood vessels, and stops bleeding.You can use it as frequent as you like. Just apply to theanal area.

Do not take pilewort internally.

Calendula Ointment

Calendula flower has been extensive used in China to healhemorrhoids. It has a soothing effect and reducesinflammation. Its other characteristics are,

* Antibacterial

* Analgesic

* Antiseptic

* Astringent

* hemostatic (stops bleeding)

* styptic (contracts blood vessels)

Calendula ointment helps to form new tissue and for that reason is used for cuts, burns and other skin disorders.Apply the ointment directly on your hemorrhoids. Use itdaily and as often as you like.

Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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