The Paleo Diet And Acne Connection

What Is The Paleo Diet?

The Paleo diet and acne are closely tied. Before I describe to you what it is, I will first tell you what it is not. The Paleo Diet is

• Not invented by diet doctors
• Not designed by nutritionists
• Not a fad or craze

The Paleo Diet is an abbreviation of the Paleolithic Diet also known as the caveman diet, stone age diet or hunter-gatherer diet. This is a way of eating based upon the presumed diet of human beings during the Paleolithic era. About 10,000 years ago this era gave way to agricultural development and hence the grain based diets. Proponents of this diet claim that we have not had enough time to adapt to this new way of eating since the human genome has not evolved to such an extent.

By choosing to eat the Paleo way you will benefit by having:-

Greater Energy
Clear, Smooth Skin
A Stronger Immune System
Weight Loss

Seriously, can you imagine a caveman with a face full of acne? Definitely not! The reason for this is because the Paleo Diet and acne are mutually exclusive. This means that both are unable to exist at the same time. Implementing one will automatically rule out the other. This is good news! By adopting this nutritional plan, you are in effect eliminating all the reasons why one may develop acne issues.

The Paleo Diet Basics

When you eat the Paleo way, you will be providing your body with adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and carbohydrates. The cells in your body will get the nutrition they need to function optimally. Your health will flourish. You will turn down the flames of inflammation - the cause behind most chronic modern illnesses. Inflammation is the result of the modern western diet of today, high in carbohydrates, saturated fats, processed foods and sugary substances.

Foods Included In The Paleo Diet

• Lean meat and seafood ( preferably grass fed)
• Low Carbohydrate and Low Glycemic Index Foods
• Moderate to High Fat intake ( balanced omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids)
• Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Foods To Avoid On The Paleo Diet

• Cereal Grains
• Potatoes
• Legumes
• Dairy
• Processed Sugars
• Preservatives

The Paleo Diet And Acne Connection

It comes as no surprise to learn that the western diet promotes acne. This is a fact. Studies conducted over the years of the Kitava Tribe in Papua New Guinea have shown an absence of affluent inflammatory diseases such as heart disease and even acne! The dietary influence of this tribe remains uninfluenced by western habits and is living proof of eating the way our bodies are designed to.

The Paleo Diet will heal skin from the inside out. The 3 causes of acne will be prevented. Hormonal events that increase sebum production, bacteria and skin cell turn over will be eliminated. Pores will become unclogged simply by excluding the foods that exacerbate the hormones that work to clog pores! Skin will no longer be shiny as sebum production will be normalized. Mid afternoon shine will be a thing of the past. And by adding certain fats and removing others, the amount of bacteria on the skin can be controlled.

This diet is all about regulating your hormones which are the control centers to how your whole body functions. When you balance your hormones you "cure" acne. The right food combination will prevent blocked pores by reducing inflammation, bacteria, oil production and skin cell shedding. The Paleo diet and acne results will speak for themselves.

Paleo Diet And Acne Success

If clear skin is your goal, you can have it in 30 days! But you will be required to make a commitment and be diligent. You deserve to look and feel better and by sticking to this program you will. You will lose weight, have more energy, feel happier and have a sharper mind. Your skin will be luminous and glow with clarity. Why? Because your hormones will be balanced. Everything will improve in your life - naturally.

About the Author

I am an acne expert through experience! Hello my name is Shayna Lee and I am an Australian ex-patriot living in Los Angeles. I originally came to the US to be a model but after some time, I realized that I preferred a quiet, peaceful life instead. I truly enjoy researching and writing my own original articles and helping people deal with their skin issues. I have had eczema since the age of 2 and have dealt with both teen and adult acne also! Currently my skin is clear and smooth, thanks to the correct diet, lifestyle and topical treatments. If anything , my goal is to be able to impart any knowledge I have acquired through my trials and tribulations and share them with those who are in need.

The Paleo Recipe Book contains over 370 recipes plus a bonus meal plan. Find out about it here .

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