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404 Error - The Page Cannot be Found A "404 Error" happens when the web server you are on cannot find the page that you requested. This type of error is quite common and is seen all over the place. Size Does Matter! In this article we will be looking at why you should keep your web page size small.As any good webmaster knows you should keep the web page size small, but why? It's really simple, both spiders and visitors hate web pages that take forever to load because it's harder to spider the web page or for the visitor they just don't have time to wait for your web page to come up, after all most web sites are not that great, so why wait if your the visitor?You should keep images down in size, the best way to do this is with image compressors. Tips for Getting More Sales From Your Website (1) Create a Direct Response Website, with the minimum number of pages possible (e.g. Some Useful Common Site Ideas In my web surfing adventures, I've found a few site elements which make surfing easier and more enjoyable. There are no concrete, hard- and-fast rules to follow - these are just observations of some things which I virtually always look for in a site. Website Basics The Basics You have a flourishing business - everything is in its place. You just miss one important piece of marketing: an Internet Presence a website. 5 Instant Tips for More Online Sales Even after you've managed to bring traffic to your site you may be losing sales because of problems with your site's usability. What's "usability"?Usability is how easily people are actually able to use your site. How to Make Your Site Attractive to Potential Link Partners Every now and then, I receive a link exchange request from someone who wants a link from my directory (my high-ranking directory directly accessible from the index page), and in exchange, they're willing to link to my page from one of their zillions of link pages about 18 jumps away from the home page. Needless to say, the proffered page has a Google PageRank of 0, and chances are it's not even indexed by any search engines. .htaccess to Mask Errors on Your Website The .htaccess file is a control file located in your webservers directory. Congratulations! You've Gotten Visitors To Your Site! Now, Can They Find What Theyre Looking For? As search engine marketers, we spend an enormous amount of time trying to get targeted traffic to our site. But, once those visitors get to our site, can they find what they're looking for? If not, guess what? We've lost a customer. Web Design - 7 Key Things to Avoid A search for "web design" on Google returns more than 325 million results. So how do we start eliminating all these so called designers? Here are a few of the most common shortcomings. 9 Ways to Gain Your Visitors Respect The internet is filled with sites and they are good and bad. Some have beenknown for a long time and some still struggle to get the respect and fame they think they deserve. Making Good Websites that Stand Out Websites, there's literally billions of them out there in cyber-space. How many of them do you go to and just think this is boring, bland, or hard to use? It seems like too many to mention. Build A Successful Website For Dummies So you want to build a website here I will explain some simple but also key aspects that are commonly taken in to consideration when a website developer creates a website.1) Website Design - The website design must be neat meaning that everything looks like where it is meant to be (nothing out of place or out of proportion). How Your Business Can Win Online There are lots of websites out there that do little to encourage their customers to stick around or buy their products from them. In this article i'm going to show you a typical example of where a small company has gone wrong with its website. Eliciting Constructive Website Feedback "It's good.""You've done a nice job. 5 Ways To Automate Your Site Automating your online business is one of the most importantsteps you can take to insure your success on the internet.If you have been on the internet for any time at all, you knowthat there are just too many tasks to do each day to be reallyefficient and productive with them all. Increase Sales on Your Website! Use Graphics! How many times have you clicked on a website only to find a screen full of text? You read a large-scale headline and then all you see is text, much like reading a letter. You scan down the page looking for something to attract your attention. Keep It Simple, Stupid: The Beauty of a Clean Cut Website Don't knock it; "Keep It Simple, Stupid" is a great rule to live by. Nobody likes a website to "yell" at them, with blaring colors and flashing lights. No Matr How Goud The Infomation... Typos, misspellings, hideous grammar, exclamation overkill and run-on sentences all undermine a Web site's message. Your reader will have to work too hard, and you won't have that reader long. Web Copywriting: The Psychology Of Scarcity, Less Is More If You Want Faster Sales Countdown to Armageddon - at least you'd think so judging from some of the garish copy and blaring headlines screaming at you from so many websites.At the opposite extreme though, you've some sites which don't even have a single decent headline anywhere that captures visitors attention, let alone leads them into captivating copywriting that'll get them a sale. |
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