Turn Your Obstacles into Opportunities

By Rebecca McClain

Listening to someone else's testimony of overcoming obstacles can be a great confidence booster. When we're pursuing a dream or goal we can feel as though we're the only one who has ever had challenges. But when we hear someone else's story about how they overcame obstacles, it puts things into perspective. I enjoy reading or listening to other people's biography. It gives me confidence that if they can achieve their dreams, in spite of the odds, then so can I.

Over a year ago I dialed into a live teleconference call with Les Brown. On this particular occasion, Les couldn't make the call so there was a woman by the name of Tawanna Williams filling in for him. I had never heard of her so I put the phone on mute, in speaker mode. I half listened as I became preoccupied on my lap top. Let's face it, who could substitute for "The Motivator"! But as Tawanna proceeded, I became captivated by her story.

Here was a woman who was born without arms. She talked about her struggles growing up. She had to feed and clothe herself without any help. She shared her experience of drug addiction and teenage promiscuity. Not only did she have to overcome the common obstacles with which we can all identify, but she had to overcome major limitations. In spite of it all, she was able to take lemons and make lemonade.

Today, at the age of 46 Tawanna is in high demand from corporations to come in and motivate their employees. She's a wife and mother. She has written a book entitled, Unarmed and Dangerous. Tawanna is a very bold and self-assured woman. After listening to Tawanna, all I could way was, "Wow!"

You may feel that life has dealt you an unfair hand but just remember, everyone has a sob story, a bad childhood experience or days that don't go their way. All of these experiences have molded you to cope with the situation. Rolling over and giving up only robs you of the opportunity to let your life shine at the right moment.

By turning your obstacles into opportunities you can rest assured that, to the best of your ability, you did all that you could, and from that moment on you can live without any regrets of wondering what could have been.

When you hear stories like Tawanna's you will begin putting your petty little fears and struggles into perspective. You'll begin telling yourself, "Oh, I can do this." Make it a point to listen to other people's stories, particularly those who are doing something to which you aspire. Their stores can be a great source of self-confidence.

Inspiration for Practical Living is a weekly E-Newsletter written by Life Enrichment Coach, Rebecca McClain, that is enriching the lives of subscribers across the nation and internationally. This self-empowerment tool delivers ongoing tips and inspiration that is helping subscribers live more fulfilling lives. You can be the architect of your own personal and professional success!

Rebecca McClain is founder of Life Treasures LLC, a life enrichment company. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and life coach, she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success.

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