Is it Time to Reinvent Yourself?

By Rebecca McClain

If you've been doing the same thing for a long time but expecting a different result, perhaps it's time to re-invent yourself. Life is constantly changing and staying in touch with the times requires change. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees of job security, stress-free living, perfect relationships, financial windfalls or physical longevity. Life is what you choose to make it. You can resist change and fall into the mold of the norm, or you can embrace change and use it to reinvent yourself according to your own specifications. I was speaking with an acquaintance who was complaining that her business was in decline while her colleagues were experiencing boon times. She had been doing the same thing, the same way, for over 25 years. She couldn't acknowledge that her way of doing things no longer worked. What she failed to realize is that her colleagues had updated their résumés! She was operating with an analog state of mind while they had all gone digital! Here are some tell-tale signs for when you need to consider reinventing yourself:

- When what use to work doesn't work anymore
- When what was once acceptable becomes annoying
- When you feel stuck in a mold of commonality
- When you've gone as far as you can go in your present position
- When a major unexpected change takes place in your life
- When you want more fulfillment

Here are five ways to help reinvent yourself, get you life back on track and feel more energized:

1. Embrace New Technology. Three cheers to computers, blackberries, cell phones, iPods, Teleconferencing, satellite, the internet and other inventions that make our lives easier! You may not become a technology whiz, but you can make your life easier by working smarter rather than harder. We live in a global society and it is advantageous that you avail yourself, particularly in business, to the many technological advances.

2. Get a personal a makeover. There's nothing like a good makeover to help reinvent yourself. Start with a good pampering to ease all your troubles away. Don't be afraid to change your appearance. Change your hair color and/or try a new style. Visit a makeup artist at your local department store and have him or her prescribe a new look. Purchase new eyeglasses, switch to contact lenses or consider laser surgery. Give away outdated clothes and update your wardrobe. Also, it is a scientific fact that diet and exercise help to create a better image and boost your confidence.

3. Give yourself a new identity. Recently, Destiny Hope Cyrus, who portrays the popular character, Hannah Montana, changed her name to Miley Ray Cyrus. She decided to make her commonly used name her legal name. At some point you might decide that either your nickname (or birth name) no longer defines who you are or where you're trying to go. People typically change their name when they want to break from the past.

4. Live your passion. Decide on what you enjoy and do it. If you would like to start your own business, then get started while working your 9-to-5 job. If you're the adventurous type, then follow your passion. Making decisions based upon societal norms will cause you to look back over your life with regrets. You may be required to learn new skills and stretch yourself beyond the familiar. The payoff is that you will move beyond business as usual to a more fulfilling life.

5. Educate yourself. Without education it is impossible to compete is a progressive world. Education improves your quality of life. It has the ability to open doors, create opportunities and broaden your career choices. Attend seminars, do research, read, join professional & social clubs and subscribe to industry newsletters. If you need to go back to school to get a degree in order to position yourself for greater opportunities, by all means do so. Seek to become a lifelong learner.

Reinventing who you are and what you do is necessary both to be able to thrive in your personal life and to guarantee professional longevity. When or how to reinvent yourself is often determined by today's rapidly changing social and business environments. Times are changing and you need to be able to change with them. Do an occasional self-assessment and be honest about the changes that need to take place in your life. Be bold, courageous and go for it.

Take Action Challenge

Do you need to reinvent yourself? If so, how will you do it and what step(s) will you take this week?

Rebecca McClain is founder of Life Treasures LLC, a life enrichment company. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and life coach, she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success.

More Resources

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10 Principles of Success
How do we define success? Webster's dictionary defines success as " the attainment of wealth, favor , or eminence." I think we would agree that Webster's definition is quite accurate in terms of how we look at people that we perceive to be "successful".
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If you are wishy-washy and undecided about you want and go to see a very powerful person who knows exactly what he wants, he will get out of you what he is looking for since he is more focused than you.Define your aim very clearly and know exactly what you want from the person you are about to meet.
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In 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down and the World Wide Web went up, the world changed forever. This marked the end of the Industrial Age and the beginning of the Information Age.
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One of the most important aspects of creating success involves a delicate balance between two somewhat opposing forces - REFLECTION and ACTION. This balance is very similar to the balance of Yin and Yang in the Tao philosophy.
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Human beings are visual creatures. Our imaginations are powerful tools that can bring us to the brink of despair or create a wonderful new reality.
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Today I Choose
Here is a great way to create affirmations that may be helpful to you. Here's how it works:You start off the affirmation with "Today I choose.
You are the President of Your Own Nation
Congratulations! You are the president of your own nation, and it is called "Imagination". This particular nation is the driving force behind your life and is the underlying factor for your future.
Insinct Is Your Life-blood - Says Author
Fourteen thousand civilised people died when the tsunami hit Andaman Islands - five percent of the population - meanwhile a cannibal tribe, inhabiting the same island, hardly lost a life. And do you know what saved them - the earliest early-warning system known to man.
Two Key Success Skills - Take Action Now And Be Bold Enough To Talk
I am writing this article to cement two key success skills in my own mind as well as yours. They are so important that they are worth thinking about every single day.
Reach Your Goals - Have A Pitch Party
Have a "Pitch Party" Invite friends and work together to haul out all the old stuff in your life that no longer works with your new direction. For example, if you have lost a substantial amount of weight, drag out all those too-big clothes, the ugly sweats you slouched around the house in and anything else that belongs with the "old you" (diet magazines, weigh-in charts, etc).

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Congratulations! You are the president of your own nation, and it is called "Imagination". This particular nation is the driving force behind your life and is the underlying factor for your future.
Insinct Is Your Life-blood - Says Author
Fourteen thousand civilised people died when the tsunami hit Andaman Islands - five percent of the population - meanwhile a cannibal tribe, inhabiting the same island, hardly lost a life. And do you know what saved them - the earliest early-warning system known to man.
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I am writing this article to cement two key success skills in my own mind as well as yours. They are so important that they are worth thinking about every single day.
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Have a "Pitch Party" Invite friends and work together to haul out all the old stuff in your life that no longer works with your new direction. For example, if you have lost a substantial amount of weight, drag out all those too-big clothes, the ugly sweats you slouched around the house in and anything else that belongs with the "old you" (diet magazines, weigh-in charts, etc).