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Tom Cruise and John Travolta Prescribe to Scientology... Whats the Deal With That?
CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA: Anytime a well-known name gets involved with a spiritual approach, whether it is Madonna and Kabbalah, John Travolta and Tom Cruise with Scientology, or any other "name," it creates buzz. But buzz alone doesn't guarantee that something is the most effective approach. If you're interested in fast-forwarding your results and growth in every area (while saving tons of time and money in the process) check out If you find yourself wondering just which change modality is the most elegant and brings most rapid results? join me at Quantum Leap, and you'll experience it first hand. James Arthur Ray is a best-selling author, leading entrepreneur and wealth-building expert. He has helped thousands of individuals and organizations build true Harmonic Wealth? to accelerate their personal and business growth. For more information, please visit
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Deliverance Deliverance is to be rescued or salvation. Thanks be to Jesus that he showed us the way to save our souls from sin. Christian Unity according to Internet Following are 30 questions that relate to Christian Unity that I would like you to reflect upon for your edification. In fact,, these questions could be used in your Bible class as you discuss Christian Unity, which is so much needed today. End-Times and the Other Bible Can you imagine Biblical "End-Times" prophecies happening in your lifetime? Does thinking about disasters like the three days of darkness and the Wormwood predictions trouble you when you're alone in the still of the night? If so, the "End-times" knowledge in a Bible-era wisdom text called The Kolbrin offers hope through new insights. Parts of it were written in the very days when Jesus walked the Earth, and it echoes the warnings of the Bible, that we could be in the "End-Times!"Unlike the rare and arcane texts used by Bible researchers, The Kolbrin offers a familiar way to understand Bible prophecy. The Goodness of His Strength The dictionary explains strength as being endurance, force, bravery, spirit and source of power. The Bible mentions many times about strength and songs. End of the World | Predictions Prophecies How and When It's the End of the World as we know it.. Revealing It is written in Revelation 1:1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw-that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Biblical Hermeneutics - Part 1 Hermeneutics is the science and art of the interpretive process which begins by determining the original meaning of the Biblical text and leads to elucidation of its sense for the body of Christ today. It is concerned with the presuppositions that are brought to the interpretation of texts because it consciously or unconsciously influences conclusions drawn. An Encouraging Moment / Pomes for the Heart Here are a few pomes, that I hope, may encourage you to read your Bible. I hope you enjoy the poems, and I pray that it bring light into your life. Christians versus Mormons Please read the passage carefully and note all the pejorative words and ways they demean without fair reportage. Do some research and study hard or you will continue to be made more of a sheep for the paradigm. It is Written: Alien Invasion of Planet Earth PART ONE IT IS WRITTEN. Satanic Panic and the Alien Connection - PART ONE"It is written!"Man, them's fightin' words!Christ was confronted by Satan himself during His pre-ministry, 40-day, spiritual warfare training session in the desert. Letters from Christ: the Calligraphy of the Spirit Their reasoning must have been, "This is the precious gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! No amount of effort or expense would be wasted. Let's make it beautiful. Armor-bearer Coach: Step Into the Ministry of Assisting I am with you heart and mind.. WARNING - Do Not Take The Mark Of The Beast This article, on the mark of the beast, will be short, sweet and straight to the point. This will be an extension off of the articles that I just did on all of the events that will be occurring leading up to the return of Jesus back to our earth to set up His Millennium Kingdom. Theres No Time Like the Present Today certainly is a present and we are to rejoice and be glad in it, because this is the day the Lord has made! Every day we rise to begin anew is definitely a gift from God.We've all heard the saying, "There is no time like the present". Witnesses, Mormons, Masons and More The founding of the United States went along with the formation of many new denominations and cults run by the same people. I will present an argument from a fundamentalist type of site that seems to equate Luciferianism with Satanism. A Gentle God I was in my late teens when I first read Henry Barbusse's Under Fire, a novel set in the first world war trenches. It led me to consider the question: who does God listen to when He is bombarded with the prayers of different nations and religions, all equally convinced that He is on their side?As I grew up, the questions became more problematic: what kind of god are we talking about? Who would want to follow a supposedly supreme being whose followers regularly take up arms in his name?While Muslim leaders are urging their followers to look honestly at the health of their faith, Christian bishops are silent. What I'm Giving Up for Lent? Don't worry I'm not going off into religious rantings. ?Having recovered from my trials and tribulations of January I headed into February with a revived passionate verve. Sins and the REAL Demons We all must know that the Catholic Church has used fear of demons and so-called sin to make a great deal of their power. I hope to illustrate the inner workings of the separation of church and state that is not a reality and that the state uses the same techniques. The Gospel Of Convenience The subject of this document is so unpleasing to the 21st century American Christian, I believe that by writing it, I will step across a threshold of "Main stream evangelical Christian", to a "radical", a "dissenter", "out there" and even "lost" in the eyes of some folks who read these words. So be it. Praying Church or Playing Church? The western church is seen by the world as anything BUT Christian. We are making no one jealous for what we claim we've found in Christ. |
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