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Network Marketing Success- The Top 3 Secrets of Network Marketing Success
What stops most people in MLM and Network Marketing? After studying this industry for over 20 years, and talking to thousands of folks, you learn a thing or two. Many people enter this industry of Network Marketing, and find themselves out of it within a year or less. Why does this happen? There can be many reasons for giving up on MLM, but we have found that there are basically three major reasons that people never reach Network Marketing Success in their career. Are you there now? Are you ready to throw in the towel because you have gotten discouraged and frustrated and MLM is simply not working for you? Dont you dare quit! You need to read these next three things and see if they might be what is stopping you. What are the three things that stop most Network Marketing Success? 1) Wrong expectations. There are many expectations you can have for your Network Marketing business, but there are also the WRONG expectations as well. Wrong expectations usually include expecting: Everyone is going to be interested. It is going to be easy to succeed in MLM. You don't have to be consistent in activity. You don't need to learn the basics of this business. The first month will explode. (It rarely does.) You can recruit a few folks and they will make you rich. You will never get frustrated or discouraged. You will never feel like giving up. Your friends will not be interested. You need to start in the cold market. Don't create the wrong expectations that can lead to frustration and discouragement. Create expectations of faith, and belief in Success. But deal in what truly is possible the first 90 days for you. 2) A Slow Start. You MUST get off to a fast start in Network Marketing Success, because this will be the start of creating a habit of quick actions and focus. A slower start is going to prove harder to get through the No's and the usual learning curve of Network Marketing. Start making phone calls NOW. Make your list of names NOW. Go see your family and friends NOW. Make more appointments NOW. NOW creates the speed you need! When you work this business fast, you find that you exude more energy, more motivation, more magnestism, and more excitement. This alone attracts people towards you, and you literally display a Presence of Network Marketing Success which people will find attractive and reassuring. Don't worry if you have been working slow. You can always draw a line in the sand, and start today quickening the pace. Ramp it up! And quicken the pace of your actions. 3) Trying to Reinvent the Wheel. Your company has a proven path to Network Marketing Success, and you need to walk that path, step by step. You need to use the tools your company provides, use the trainings they provide, use the online tools they provide, and any other business building resource they offer. Why? Simple. Duplication. If you are new to MLM, you need to understand that there is a certain experience in the industry that has proven to create Success. Do not try and start doing your own trainings, or your own way to Success. Once you have experienced Success, and want to get creative, then do it. But wait until you have created some Success in your business, and have learned some things about Network Marketing. Oh...your organization will appreciate it as well. You using the company trainings and tools, will only help your downline grow faster, then using tools that have been not proven and possibly may slow growth. Network Marketing Success really is simple, and can be easy. Make sure that you create the right expectations, and understand that there is a learning curve for most people. Make sure you get off to a fast start, and start doing the business NOW. And use the tools that have proven to work, not ones that have yet to be tested. There is time for creativity in this business. Stay with what works at least for a while, to create a massive amount of Network Marketing Success in your life and business. blessings...dougPassionFire Intl 2005/ all rights reserved Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network MarketingTrainers in the world. Over a million people a monthread his training ezine. He spent the last 7 yearstraveling the world speaking and training on Success.He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive aFREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLMSuccess HEAT- at:
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