How to Enter the Commercial and Jingle Singing Market and Sing For Producers and Writers
Author: Tom Gauger
As a former talent agent, and jingle singer singing on numerous national TV commercials, I can tell you that there is a good deal of money to be made, singing jingles, and while that's the case, the industry has changed drastically, and you'll need to know how to break in with a different set of rules. With that said, let's look at what the jingle singing market is and how it has evolved and how you can enter the market and make a living as well.
Not too long ago, it was much harder to gain access to the industry and break in with a handful of singers in the main commercial hubs like New York, Chicago, LA and Atlanta. Back in the day, it was critical that you knew someone on the inside, and after that, you really had to be able to sing. Remember those great commercials from McDonalds, Burger King, and "Oh, oh oh, Green Giant." Let's take for granite that anyone reading this article has the ability to sing jingles and has the training and drive, which I'm certain many of you do or you wouldn't be reading this article.
Singing commercials back in the day was done by individuals, who were for the most part, union singers, and singers could make anywhere from $15,000 upwards to $30,000 on a 13 week run. And then if that spot ran again, you would earn more royalties. While that was sweet and the money was great, the days of union singing work are fewer and fewer, because quite honestly, companies have crunched their advertising figures to stay competitive in the global economy.
Now you might say, "Well, if the money isn't as great, why should I bother?" The answer's simple, because even if the money were better back in the 70s and 80s, as it was, how many of you reading this article, really think you were going to be able to break in? Not many. But it's different now, and because we are living in the age of technology, jingle houses and writers are always on the lookout for new and fresh singing talent, and your odds of breaking in are greater than they ever were, especially if your voice lends itself to singing jingles.
Being that computers and recording gear, especially if you're keeping it simple, is very affordable, and that you can record your vocals from home or in another studio and send the finished files to the jingle production house, the industry is pretty wide open. With email, you can send samples and singing work right to their inbox and never leave your home. Now it might take you a little bit to learn the software to record, but it's gotten very intuitive and if you are really serious about breaking in, it's definitely the way to go. If a jingle writer wants you to drive to their studio to record, that's fine to. With the industry changing as it has, it's much easier to gain entrance into the field than it ever was.
So how do I enter the playing field? You have to have a jingle reel with you singing the leads and submit this to jingle houses and writers - not ad agencies. Ad agencies are going to work with the writers direct and don't like to deal so much with singing talent, at least the major agencies. Some of the mom and pop agencies may, but not guaranteed. Your reel will have to sound really good, like you've done this for years, both your voice and the tracks. Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions about the reel and music tracks as we can guide you in the right direction. You need to get this part of it correct and then the other pieces will fall into place. You should have a minimum of 7 - 8 commercials with you singing the lead vocals. Once this is done, you will submit your reel to numerous jingle houses and writers, in your local area or outside. Again, the market has changed and so you are no longer restricted to your locality, but you can sing commercials for writers in the US or abroad for that matter, if you have a simple recording set up or have the ability to gain access to a friend or family member who can help you out.
We understand that you will have questions, so don't hesitate to call or email and we will try to guide you in the right direction and get your singing career moving in the right direction. We receive numerous calls and emails with questions regarding session and jingle singing, and so we will continue to write and answer your questions.
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About the AuthorMr Gauger is the founder of Vocal Careers and is a Grammy nominated producer. As a former talent booking agent with the William Morris Agency, Mr Gauger is also a widely known TV writer with credits on major soaps as well as a music supervisor and works with acts from America's Got Talent and X-Factor. His articles can be viewed on 100s of websites and he may be contacted at or 615-300-5030. His website
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