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Cash Advance Company - Comparing Payday Loan Companies Online
Comparing payday loan companies online saves you time and money. By researching rates, fees, and terms, you can find the best cash advance company. According to federal law, payday loan lenders must post their rates and fees so you can make comparisons. Researching Rates Cash advance companies are required to post their rate by an annual percent rate. In other words, they list the lending rate for the whole year. Payday loans are intended to provide a cash advance for a short period, usually just until your next pay period. But if you find you need more time, you can arrange that with your lender. Listed APR's do allow you to make quick comparisons of rates since all lender's have to follow this standard. With a quick check of the numbers, you can find low interest rates. However, that is not the only factor to consider. Identify Fees Fees are another way cash advance companies make money. They may come in the form of an application or processing fee. Some lenders will waive this fee if it is your first time using their services. You can also find lenders who don't charge any fees. These lenders usually charge higher interest rates. Look for a company that charges low fees. Fees can sometimes cost more than the interest charges. When choosing a payday loan lender, be sure that the interest rates are also low. Consider Other Factors You should also consider the convenience of the application process and minimum requirements. There are two types of online applications, fax and no fax. Faxed applications require copies of your picture id, usually a driver's license, past bank records, and pay stubs. A person will then review your application for approval. A no fax application simply requires you to fill out an application online, which is verified through databases. There is no credit check involved and you can receive a virtually instant approval. Lenders also vary in their minimum requirements. You may be required to have been employed for two to four months. Other lenders just require you to have a regular income, which could be a social security or pension check. Some lenders check if you have any outstanding checks or payday loans. Others just check that you have an open checking account. So before you sign for your cash advance, check to see that you meet the requirements. To view our list of recommended cash advance lenders online, visit this page: Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.
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