Introducting KOI-Cam!
This is a project I've had on the back burner for many monthsnow, but now it's finally ready!
We rigged up a wireless camera and aimed it at the KOI pond here,directly where my KOI get their daily feedings. To check it outright now, visit
Right now, it's just a snapshot that can be updated by hittingyour 'refresh' button on your browser - but soon we'll have itavailable as a streaming video feed.
The KOI get regular feedings at the times listed on the website. check out my new auto-feeder called 'Koi-Cafe' also shows This feeder is run by battery, and also comeswith a solar panel for re-charging the battery! It's not hookedup yet, but it's still pretty amazing.
The feeder makes sure that my hungry little underwater pigs getall the food they need to grow large and healthy. Plus, we'vejust added some new fish recently, right out of Charles Lewis'(President of The Tropical Koi Club of South Florida) personalcollection. We'll be having a photo tour of Charles' pond verysoon - he's got some beautiful show koi in his 10,000 gallonpond.
Charles has also written a couple interesting articles on WaterQuality and how to avoid 'New Pond Syndrome' which you can readat the KOI FLA website here:
Or you can access the article direcly here:
We also welcome your comments about KOI Cam! Feel free to emailus at with your thoughts andfeedback.
Stay tuned for more KOI-cam announcements...
Brett Fogle is the owner of MacArthur Water Gardens and several
other pond-related websites
and He also publishes a free monthly
newsletter called PondStuff! with a reader circulation of over
9,000. To sign up for the free newsletter and receive our FREE
'New Pond Owners Guide' visit MacArthur Water Gardens today!