Are You Ready for the First Freeze?

This is about the time we normally get our first killing frost. Is your yard ready, is there anything we should be doing to be ready for the first real FREEZE. Here are a couple of items you may want to check, if you haven't already:

1) Put your garden hoses away for the winter, I doubt you will need them since we have had some nice soaking rains recently. Drain them so they are easier to store. If you delay disconnecting your hose from your outside faucet you run the risk of having ice develop in your hose and plumbing that can damage your pipes and not only create a mess with water running everywhere but the cost of having a plumber come and repair the pipes.

2) Drain all irrigation systems and blow out the pipes so they are free of water.

3) Disconnect any fountains and put pumps away for the winter.

4) It is time to dig your cannas and dahlia tubers and gladiolus corms and store them in an unheated garage or a cool basement. Pack them in some dry or damp sawdust for the winter.

5) After the killing frost, if you haven't done it already, it is time to clean off any annuals or vegetable plants from the garden.

6) If you have a weed problem in your flower beds Round Up will still work but it may take a few weeks to see the results. Be careful not to get this chemical on any plants that you want to have growing the next season. Round Up is a non-selective herbicide and will kill any green plants it is sprayed on. I have applied it as late as December and it works really well and gives you a jump on the spring clean up if you have any weeds like chickweed, dandelions and other similar weed growth in your flower beds.

7) If you have some pruning you have been waiting to do you can get going with this now. The plants have entered the dormant state and there is no risk of them beginning to grow this late in the season.

8) Plants growing in containers that you want to keep for next year will need to be brought into an unheated garage where it doesn't freeze hard and the container will be protected from damage due to freezing, keeping the plant viable for next year.

9) If you have strawberry plants or other plants that need protection from the harsh cold winter temperatures do not cover them this early but clean the area of any weeds and be ready to cover them later, more likely early December after the ground has started to freeze.

10) Now is a good time to change the oil in your mower, sharpen the blade, and replace any parts that are worn so you are ready to go in the spring. If you send your mower out for service, check with your mower shop and see if you can bring it in now and avoid the spring rush.

This list will get you started and allow you to take advantage of an otherwise rather slow period in the garden.

Go to or send an email to with your questions or comments.

30 years of Growing
Meadow View Growers
New Carlisle, OH

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