Short Term Health Insurance

Short Term Health Insurance

Temporary health insurance plan is a insurance plan option ideal for people in transition. As the name implies, this plan is a temporary solution. Normally, short-term wellness insurance is purchased for a few months period. This allows the plan to be dropped quickly.

Short term health insurance generally covers only catastrophic wellness issues (major wellness problems). People between jobs, recent college graduates, and part-time and temporary employees are among the most likely consumers of short-term wellness insurance. Temporary wellness policies are normally sold to people under the age of 65.

A brief short term health insurance plan policy is generally included in the "indemnity" plan. This gives you the freedom to choose any doctor or specialist you wish. The plan covers surgery, hospital care, emergency services, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, and follow-up office visits. Temporary wellness insurance has several sub-limits and special conditions. Some offer limited mental medical care in their brief phrase wellness policies. Due to its low cost, the plan does not finance routine preventative care like physical exams, immunizations, and PAP tests.

The important point to remember when buying a short-term health insure plan is that this affordable plan?s coverage does not include any pre-existing conditions. This limitation is one of the reasons that the monthly costs are so low for this sort of insurance. A pre-existing condition is a wellness issue or symptom that you had during the three years prior to the start of coverage.

In recent years, sales of brief phrase family short term health insurance coverage have grown in popularity because of their low monthly cost, high coverage limits, and fast purchase process. Today, many insurance plan providers offer brief phrase wellness policies throughout the U.S. This is the only type of coverage that possesses the shortest application in the health insurance business. Temporary wellness insurance policies are available in both individual brief phrase wellness insurance and group brief short term health insurance.

Some plans offer guidelines designed to tide people through brief lapses in wellness insurance protection coverage protection. These guidelines are called short-term or temporary wellness plans.

While it may be possible for you to find a short-term wellness insurance protection coverage policy that will cover you for up to 36 months, most of these guidelines are limited to 12 months of protection or less. Short-term guidelines are ideal for healthy people who are going through some kind of transition - for example, recent college graduates waiting for wellness insurance protection coverage benefits at their first job to begin. The operative phrase here is "healthy" - short-term wellness plans are underwritten, which means that the plan provider must be satisfied that you are not likely to make many claims for the duration of the policy.

About the Author

Many insurance plan providers now offer credit card payment schemes. There are a lot of limitations and exclusions to brief phrase wellness insurance policies. So before you buy a plan, take time to study those limitations thoroughly

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