Humanities Information


ZORRO:Timon of Athens. But most often they wrote in code or refused to write at all. They actually taught through techniques and disciplines which made people truly know what can be and how to become adept as individuated parts of the collective or 'nous'.

Michael Rivero has a few words to ponder - "Many people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all."

Poetry and music have an integrative force that appeals to the people who are tired of all the perambulations that intellectual hegemonies employ. They let their music function to inspire the masses more than write large tomes and argue linear-logical epistemological or other fine points that seldom lead to real change. There are many different learning styles and neurological constructs that are not enabled in the present social programming that takes place in school. I dare say the creative and spatial thinking populace will be well represented in the counter-cultural groups like Goths and Hippies.

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest writer at


Is Europe ready for xenotransplantation?

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-04126-7

This comment addresses recent advancements in xenotransplantation research, which suggest that new types of transplants could become possible soon. It argues that the ethical concerns surrounding xenotransplantation in humans are particularly complex. These concerns go beyond the traditional medical ethics of informed consent and patient care, or balancing patient risks against benefits. The potential risk of xenosis—diseases transmitted from animals to humans—makes xenotransplantation a broader issue, one that relates to public health. The key question is whether the reduced risks of xenosis can justify the possibility of detrimental consequences, such as a pandemic. It is argued that these concerns should not be limited to expert discussions but should engage the wider public through a broad debate involving all sectors of society. Emerging technologies, such as gene editing, amplify the need for such ethical discussions. Have these new technologies made xenotransplantation safer and more acceptable? Now is the time for public dialogue on this complex issue.

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Podcasting for interdisciplinary education: active listening, negotiation, reflexivity, and communication skills

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-04119-6

Podcasting for interdisciplinary education: active listening, negotiation, reflexivity, and communication skills

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Assessment of national economic repercussions from Shanghai’s COVID-19 lockdown

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-04100-3

Assessment of national economic repercussions from Shanghai’s COVID-19 lockdown

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Promoting collaboration in regional healthcare systems in Hong Kong, Macao, and the mainland of China: midrange strategies

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-04105-y

Promoting collaboration in regional healthcare systems in Hong Kong, Macao, and the mainland of China: midrange strategies

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Unveiling consumer satisfaction and its driving factors of EVs in China using an explainable artificial intelligence approach

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-04120-z

Unveiling consumer satisfaction and its driving factors of EVs in China using an explainable artificial intelligence approach

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Traditional family fertility values and performance evaluation of grassroots governments: evidence from the China Family Panel Studies

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-03677-z

Traditional family fertility values and performance evaluation of grassroots governments: evidence from the China Family Panel Studies

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Do the pathways of child development before age three matter for development at primary school? Evidence from rural China

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-04104-z

Do the pathways of child development before age three matter for development at primary school? Evidence from rural China

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Woman on board, corporate social responsibility and financial performance: new evidence from China

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Published online: 20 November 2024; doi:10.1057/s41599-024-04029-7

Woman on board, corporate social responsibility and financial performance: new evidence from China

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