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Money, a Session With Joseth on Abundance and Money (Channelled)
(Channelled)(This communication with Joseth happened more than a year ago, while I was focused on bringing money into my life. Apparently I still haven't managed to manage my thoughts correctly to bring all the money into my life that I desire.

Get Your Priorites Right!
I have been with this marketing business for a few months now, and before that I was reading motivational books and listening to tapes and talking to people and inhaling all this knowledge like oxygen. During this time I started a habit of setting goals for myself; goals like buying a house in 12 months time, being financially free in ten years time, I'm sure you all know the sort of goals I'm talking about.
Your Life Is A Do-It-Yourself Project!
The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on you. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life, is on your shoulders.
Increase Your Knowledge: Read-and-Reap
Did you know that you see with your mind as well as your eyes? The mind stores memories and highlights of past experiences as well as color intensity, hue and a variety of other details. How you see (your eyesight) and how the brain makes sense of what you see is at the heart of a total visual experience.
Breaking Goals Down To The Basics
One of the primary reasons why people fail to execute their goals is they set forth unrealistic or overly complex goals. Most of us have the tendency to look at the finish line without paying much consideration to the distance between the end point and us.
How to Keep Your Focus on Your Home Business Goals
As you begin your new home business you will find there will be hundreds of distractions that will fight for your time and attention.If you are new to working from home you will have to deal with such issues as family interruptions, friends, neighbors, television, radio, visitors, email and phone calls.
Goal Setting: Stop Failing and Start Finishing
While the idea of goal setting is not a new concept, we do see an ever-increasing number of people becoming more and more frustrated with setting a worthwhile goal. The frustration, it appears, comes from never being able to realize the fruit of their labor.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
The Hasidic master, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach taught that on Passover night we are bringing our entire life stories to the Seder table to be freed. What exactly does this mean? To begin with, we are by nature, storytellers.
5 Steps to Goal Setting Success
Goal setting is the true secret to success in any area of life. But although setting a goal may seem simple, achieving it is usually another question altogether.
It Takes A Lot Of A Little To See The Good Times Roll
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Whats Perfect About Imperfection?
Let me try something new but please, please, please, let me do it right and well the first time. If we always do things well, always do things right, and people know us as someone who always gets it right, then we've set ourselves up.
Discovering Your Values
In the last newsletter we talked about 'Your Reason Why', and how having emotional reasons for doing things gives them real power. To see this article go to www.
Reaching Your Goals: A Ridiculous Way to Succeed
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Ten of My Favorite Quotes About Goals
1. Duke (Edward Kennedy) Ellington (1899-1974) American Composer Bandleader and Pianist"A goal is a dream that has an ending.
When Life Takes A Detour - 4 Signposts That Will Guide You Back On Track
It happens a lot 'round about now. One by one the astonished phrases sound out over the wire: "Oh, my gosh! Is it April already?! I can't believe that much of the year has gone by! I need to get busy! There's so much I still want to do! I haven't even start to get busy on (Project X)! I feel so unfocused.
Four Steps to Goal Setting
When setting goals it is important to know if the goal is realistically attainable. Time is precious; you don't want to waste it moving toward a goal that you will never be able to realize.
Lifes Values
Over time I have come to realize that the three most important subjects in the world to man are sex, property and religion. By the first we create life, by the second we maintain life and by the third we hope to continue life in the world to come.
How to Set Effective Goals That Guarantee Your Success
In this article, I will be sharing with you the secrets to set effective goals that will guarantee your success. I wish you can apply it into your own goals setting.
Whose Goals Are They?
Many have goals, but few reach them all. Businesses like sports teams aspire to making goals (gaining points) to earn rewards.
Setting Sail for Your Destination
Whether taking on a new project, starting a new job, beginning a new relationship, retiring, relocating, or any new start, setting sail can be the most exciting and exhilarating part of the journey. The anticipation that comes with taking off toward your destination helps to propel you forward.