unorthodox email subject tricks -500% more responses!

If your email subject line doesn't get read -Nothing gets read!

And it is worse now!

**DoubleClick Q2 E-Mail Trends Report, published in September 2002, reveals that e-mail marketing click-through rates DROPPED in Quarter2-2002 to 4.9% from 6.8% in Quarter1-2002! These findingsare based on 1.7 billion emails sent out by hundreds of clients. The report also reveals a bounce-back rate of 12.6%! -An all time HIGH in Quater2-2002.**

The writing on the wall is clear! email marketingstrategies has to be redefined and innovated.

And the FIRST STEP begins with the subject line!All the hard work that you have put up in settingup your email becomes useless if it is deleted.

The 5 different methods listed here will add a strong psychological punch to the subject line which will increase the chances of your message getting opened!

These suggestions are based on Research Data and my own personal experience where I get a click-through ratio of over 8%.

*#1: Keep The Subject Line Short And Different:*

The shorter the email subject line-the better. Add a little mystery to it. If possible associate it with money.

For e.g.: " John's $ 49.99 Refund!The above subject line is what I use after my 5thfollow up for upgrading my eBook the Deluxe version.

Inside the body of the message the first sentence is the exact 'refund message' he will be getting if the customer choose for a refund after upgrading. I have been receiving a click through ratio of about 7.5 to the URL,

*#2: Innovative Personalization On The Subject Line:*

Note the above subject line again! "John's $ 49.99 Refund!

If the customer name is john, It is better to say "John's $49.99 Refund! --Than to Say, John your $49.99 Refund

This works best on your 3rd follow up onwards. Or ifyour are giving something valuable like a Free Giftyou can use it on the First email. e.g. "John's Free Gift!

*#3: 'RE': In Subject Line Is Very Important To People:*

Is there a different way to use RE:?

Consider these two examples,

The usual one - Re: John, your income stream!The one I use - John -re: Your Income Stream!

The second one is the one that I use to drivetraffic to the 50%-commission affiliate program forall my 38 info products. Again I get a click throughratio of 7.5% to the URL,

*-#4: Use Quotation " In The Subject Line:*

Using quotation in the subject line arrests a personseyes on the subject line. e.g.: "John's $49.99 Refund!

*-#5: People Like To Be Updated, Upgraded And Remain Current:*

Use the word "update" and "upgrade" intelligently in thesubject line.

For e.g.: "John's important update. Open!

Whenever I add a new affiliate program, an email with the above subject line goes out to my valuable customers. Theresponse rate has been good enough -especially when Iam inviting them to join under me.

*Additional Tip*

You can use the personalization suggestion givenabove even in your autoresponder. For eg if thepersonalization tag given to you by your autoresponderis , all you have to do is Insert:

"'s $49.99 Refund! --which will read as"John's $49.99 Refund! (Watch " and 's)

More Resources

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More Email Marketing Information:

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