Designing Business Email That Sells

By Julia Gulevich

Business people look for emails that give them the important facts and do so quickly and efficiently. They generally do not have the time to leaf through volumes of information. They do not want fluff and spin, just benefits and facts. Keeping all this in mind here are some points when creating business email design that sells.

Accuracy – Keep your facts and figures accurate. Nothing is worse than creating false information and thus starting out a business relationship on the wrong note.

Be Brief – Your job with the promotional email is to arouse interest and then quickly deliver the benefits of the product in email form. Stick to this aim.

Clarity – This is a very important attribute of business emails. People get turned off by bad spellings and grammar. If you cannot write the emails yourself, get a professional writer to do them for you.

Be Genuine – Don’t create hype. Remember business relationships are built on trust. When creating a business email design that sells, remember to write in a manner that conveys trust and portrays you as a genuine businessperson.

Speak their words – Speak to customers in language they will relate to. Make it easy to understand and do not talk above their comprehension level. Use words used in everyday language and people will react better.

Imagine you as the customer – Think of yourself as the customer. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Imagine how they go about their day and then speak to them in a manner that will relate to them.

Keep in mind the knowledge gap – Most customers will not have the same level of knowledge you do. Keep in mind this and offer customers a step by step walkthrough of what you are offering.

Letters not ads - In creating business email designs that sell, write them as letters not ads.

Take opinions – After creating your message take outside opinions on it. Most likely the passage of time will help improve your email marketing message.

Verbal presentation – Think of how you verbally present your message and mimic it when wording your written presentation.

Signature block – your signature block should be complete with full name and address of the company, contact information and relevant links.

Send the email on the right day – Most executives check their overloaded inboxes on Monday so Tuesday or thereafter may be a good day to send the emails.

Subject line – A good subject line is often the difference between a read email and a discarded one.

Graphics – Unless graphics enhance the message, do not use them.

Attachments – Be wary of sending attachments. They are often viewed with mistrust.

Test – Testing is critical to creating business email design that sells.

Be comprehensive – Give readers comprehensive information about your product and your company. Give them the option to contact you for further information.

Be different – Spend some time analyzing competitors. Understand their strategies, get on their email lists and differentiate yourself from the pack.

In creating business email design that sells, you need to combine logic and creativity for that perfect marketing message. Good luck on your mission!

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