How To Eliminate Credit Card Refunds From Digital Thieves

Can you encounter the number of times where a Credit Card Sale was generated, only to receive a "Refund Notification" from your contracted e-commerce processor on behalf the "customer"?

Welcome to the electronic world of "cyber-shoplifting".

Unscrupulous surfers, disguised as potential "customers", systematically opt to ordering goods (using credit cards) in electronic form of delivery, only to request a refund minutes or days later after receiving the product.

The "cyber thieves" consent the well-known "loophole" of specific e-commerce processors who deploy a "no questions asked" refund policy.

Some... might concur to the predicament that a "liberal refund policy" boosts sales, but it is statistically verified that these claims are unthinkingly based gross sales figures, where refunds are *not* accumulated to extract the "net profit" (minus refunds).

In numerous cases, the cyber thieves (or else called freebie hunters) automate their thievery, by using pre-made templates to ask for a refund, in order to save time and reap as many digital products as possible, for gratis.

A portion of cyber thieves, download a digital product, whether ebook or software, only to illegally sell it online at eBay or sell it in "warez sites".

Optimistically, these unprincipled pinches are either prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law, for infringement of copyrights, or face imprisonment along with heavy fines.

So if you want to avoid getting targeted by cyber thieves (and losing thousands), the wisest approach is to conduct business with an e-commerce processor who will protect you against dodgy "freebie hunters".

After all, it is *your duty* to forming your own "refunds policy", not your processor's.

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