5 Ways to Transform Your Struggles Into Victories

Have you read the famous quote, "Every struggle is a victory"? It was stated by an extraordinary person who overcome great challneges and achieved greatness - her name was Helen Keller.

In this brief article we will explore 5 key aspectsfor turning your Struggles into Victories. These pointer's havebeen scientifically validated by Dr Paul G Stoltz in his book: "Adversity Quotient".

1. Manage your Emotions

The first step to dealing with a challenge is to manage youremotions. In challenging times we often feel a sense ofoverwhelm, helplessness or a wide range of other emotions. Weneed to manage these emotions, in order for us to be able tothink clearly about the situation.

You can manage your emotions in a few ways. You could distractyourself until you regain your composure, you could change yourenvironment, do some exercise, listen to soothing music, eat hotfoods, take a nice relaxing bath or help someone else.

2. Get the Facts

What happened? What caused this situation? Which part was causedby me, and which part was caused by others? What options exist?How have other people in similar situations, solved similarproblems? What could I do to improve things, even if it onlymakes a small difference? Information is key to making rightchoices.

3. Do something to Gain at least a little Control

Do something, however small to gain at least some control overthe situation. You can ask yourself: What could I do to gaineven a little control over this situation? What little thingcould I do to influence this situation? Then do it!

4. Do something to Limit the Reach

No matter how bad a situation may appear, there is almost alwaysa way to limit its impact. Napolean Hill said, "In everyadversity lies the seed of equal, or even greater benefit." Eventhe worst situations, can be turned to good, all you need to dois wonder about, how can this situation be used to my advantage?How can I limit the reach of this situation? How can I limit howlong this situation needs to endure?

When you have these answers take decisive action. Taking actionfills you with hope and a sense that you can do something aboutthe situation.

5. Take it One Step at a Time

The final principle of dealing with challenges is to take it onestep at a time. Helen Keller who lost both her sight and herhearing while still a very young child, used this principle togreat affect. She completed a university degree, learnt severallanguages including classical Greek, became a world famousauthor and was called, "The Greatest Woman of our Age", byWinston Churchill. Whilst completing her university degree andfacing almost unbelievable obstacles, she would simply continue.

She would fight one battle at a time, and slowly but surely getthrough the challenge. Her life attests to the power of thisapproach. In a similar way take it one day at a time, strive todo at least one thing every day, no matter how small and youwill notice your situation change.


Dr Paul G Scholtz said, "Adversity fuels greatness." As youthink about this article, you may begin to wonder how you canapply these principles to your own life. You may wonder how youcan turn your own obstacles into victories. You may wonder whatone little thing you can do to gain some control over yoursituation, and grow and develop, and do something great,something really important, because deep down inside everysingle one of us knows, that we are meant to fulfil a unique andwonderful destiny.

Destin Lucas is an internationally-recognized writer, speaker and co-founder of Dawning Truth - a breakthrough success modeling program for dramatically accelerating your personal development. If you want to achieve greatness visit http://www.greatnesscircle.com

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