How You Can Learn To Treat Depression

When a person undertakes a course of therapy through theirdoctor, and there is no improvement, they may be sufferingfrom a treatment resistant depression.

This is difficult, and takes time to diagnose, since by itsnature, depression is not an illness that can be cured witha ten-day course of drugs, like an infection.

Depending on the physician's assessment, a patient maystart out on a mild tricyclic drug, which can be replacedwith something that has better results for more involvedcases. They may also recommend concurrent counseling witha psychologist or psychiatrist, to work on the underlyingissues that have caused the illness.

Some conditions, like post partum depression, and bi-polardisorders are chemically related, and even multiple changesof medication may not do enough to break through the cycleof dark moods and thoughts. In that event, the nextrecommendation may be for a stay in a treatment facilityfor depression.

Treatment resistant depression can be better addressed inan environment where a patient is closely monitored forboth behavioral and mood changes, and possibly for bloodtests to assess the therapeutic level of a drug in theirsystem.

The secure surroundings of a treatment facility fordepression, are often reassuring to patients who are highlystrung, nervous and anxious. With counseling, and othertherapies, people suffering from post partum depression orother depressive disorders, have a chance to get back on aneven keel, so that they can actively participate in theirown recovery.

While there is such a thing as treatment resistantdepression, there are also answers to that resistance, andconsultation with your doctor, will help you find them.

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