How to Get More Responses at Online Dating Sites

So, you've decided to join a dating website. You're hoping someone out there will find something interesting about you and try to get to know you better.

Many members worry about appearing 'desperate' or over keen. This can mean putting in less effort into a profile in a bid to 'play it cool'. Of course, nobody wishes to be seen as desperate. However, keep this in mind: how will others know what you want, if you don't ask for it? How will they ever appreciate your finer qualities if you remain tightlipped?

Therefore, to be successful in the online dating world, your profile is highly important. Members search through a large number of profiles on these sites. If there is little information about a prospective date, then they are more than likely to skim over an empty profile as quickly as possible. Look at this as a great chance to sell yourself!

The first aspect of your profile to consider should be your photo. No matter how much emphasis people put on the importance of personality, the old expression, 'it's nice to put a face to a name' couldn't be more apt.

Physical appearance plays a big part in the real world, when first becoming attracted to someone. Also, it helps to ensure that people will remember you. The golden rule when posting photos on dating sites is obvious - BE HONEST. We've all heard stories of people who've posted a photo that is ten or twenty years old. Or worse still, a photo of someone else entirely! Now, if you never intend to meet someone, then this is not a problem. But let's be realistic - you wouldn't be on a dating site if you weren't hoping to meet someone!

A misleading photo causes all sorts of unnecessary problems on a first date. You will have your date questioning your honesty. You want to turn up for dates relaxed, with your best attitude put forward. Still not convinced? Just think how you would feel, if you were deceived by a photo, and that should be incentive enough for you to be accurate.

So what if you've gained a few pounds? Aged a bit? Give yourself some credit, you're still a beautiful person, and sure to be someone's ideal 'type'. So, try to get a recent photo of yourself, looking the best you can. Avoid shots that are so dark or distant that no one can see your face. People will only see either an insecure person, or someone who has something to hide and move on. Just think how frustrated and disinterested you'd be if you came across such a picture.

Let's talk about location. How much information is right? Obviously, for safety reasons you aren't going to put your address into your profile. Apart from this, put as much detail as you feel comfortable with. At least, put the state you live in. at most, your suburb. Anything in between (such as the city your suburb is located in) is also fine. We all know this, but it bears repeating, do not put your phone number on any public site.

It will save everyone a great deal of time if you are open and honest about your sexual preference.

Talk about your interests and hobbies. Don't just leave it blank! And don't worry if they don't seem interesting enough. This is who you are. If you are honest and forthcoming with this information, you will be more likely to attract the type of person you are after. For example, if you were the district running champion in high school, but never intend to run again, don't put it in as a hobby! To put in hobbies you have no interest in, in the hope of appearing more impressive, will only attract people you have nothing in common with in the here and now.

So, if you like quiet nights in, say so! Try to paint a rich and detailed picture of what the real you likes to do.

You also really need to share a part of your personality with your audience. What are your beliefs? What are you looking for in a person? Also, if you feel you have special qualities such as a sense of humour or kind nature, try to write your profile in a way that sincerely reflects that.

You are now ready to make your first attempt at creating a winning profile! Remember, you just need to keep it honest and current. You need to show you've made some level of effort to let members know who the real you is. And when in doubt, remind yourself: give the sort of information you yourself would be wanting to know about when looking at other members. Good luck!

Sharon is the owner of the free dating site,

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