8 Minute Dating - For Singles with No Time for Small Talk

You will get to a certain age where, no matter what city code you live in, you will not be content with the date or dates you are currently having. If you're dating without success and your big event or events are turning into dating flops, then perhaps it's time to 'save time' and find a fast, free, fun, good or make that great, group of singles who are looking for the same thing you are.

It's time to join people who actually want to talk to you and buy YOU a drink. If you've been left on the curb and have just about given up on love then it's time to make an 8 minute speed date and meet your match, be they male or female. 8 minute dating isn't like normal dating where you spend minutes and hours thinking of what to say and before you know it, the night has gone by. Yeah the last 4 hours of uncomfortable silences were great. If this sounds like one of your dates, read on.

8 minute dating is one of the new ways to date for people who seem to have no time for going out every night or weekend. It's the same as 5 and 3 minute speed dating except the length of the date is different. These 'speed dating' events are held offline around the country by various companies. At 8 minute dating events, you have 8 one-on-one dates that last 8 minutes each. If you meet someone you would like to meet again then the 8 minute dating company provides the contact information for both parties.Surprisingly 90% of people meet someone who they would like to go on a date with again. Now, this shocked me because when you think about the hassle you usually have to go through just to get 1 date, getting 8 dates in 1 go seems like a no brainer and a serious time saver.

Admittedly only 60% of BOTH singles want to see each other again so don't take it too hard if you like someone but they don't want to see you again. Hey, it's gona happen anyway, you might as well speed up the process instead of wasting your time going to a bar, night after night and spending lots of money for weeks only to find out said person 'really isn't that into you'.

With this in mind, 8 minute dating seems to be looking better and better all the time. But is it safe? In a word yes. 8 minute dating is usually held at a restaurant or some sort of public event and is hosted by the company on the night, so you won't be going for dinner with strangers by yourself in an unknown environment. Also, said companies keep your contact details confidential until you meet someone you wish to see again. At that stage it's up to yourself weather to continue with the company or organize your own personal date.

What are the benefits of an 8 minute dating event?

1. It's faster than a normal date and you meet real people who you never have to see again if you don't wish to, without hassle.

2. Everyone's here for the same reason, to meet someone, so you're guaranteed not to chat up someone's girlfriend or boyfriend by accident.

3. You only have to talk for 8 minutes. If you don't like the person, you only have to endure them for 8 minutes :-)

4. 8 dates in 1 night, this is not going to happen in a bar. Serious time saver.

5. There are mingle periods during most events where you can talk to anyone there. So if you get landed with 8 lemons by accident, this will be your chance to stalk, err I mean talk to Mr or Miss right.

6. Most companies hold competitions on the night to liven things up.

Ok I'm interested, how do I go about going on one of these 8 minute speed date things then?

1. First you need to find a speed dating company that holds offline events. Most online dating sites don't do this as they're aimed at 'online dating', not offline events, although there is the occasional one that does. Follow the link at the end of this article over to our dating review site and you will find 8 minute speed dating sites listed there. By registering with one of them, you'll be well on your way to those first 8 dates.

2. Usually registration is free but you'll have to pay to attend an event. This is well worth it and cheaper than going on 8 separate dates. Also it's safer, as you'll be in a controlled, public environment where staff will be on hand at all times, plus your details are not told to anyone until you decide.

I wish you the best of luck.

Jonathan Striem is a freelance writer and part time webmaster. When he's not building web sites he's checking out new dating sites that appear on the net.

To see them visit the sexy dating website.

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