7 Tips to Dating Online in Safety

Dating online can be great fun, stimulating and exciting. So let's first get it into perspective. Some of us just like to have fun but are sick of the singles bars and other similar nite spots that are the last resort for finding a decent partner or lover. They often result in the wrong person even if you are lucky enough to meet someone. Or, you may have once upon a time met someone that 'fitted the bill' but over time this has proved not to be the case any longer, so.......long story short, you are now once again looking for a better fit. You might be just plain lonely or recently dumped by that someone who promised to be there forever. If you're senior in years, you may just be seeking a companion or someone who has similar interests. These days, it's quite likely that you are someone who's busy most of the time and don't have the time to go galavanting around the place looking for a date and attending dinner parties with the hope that your friends have selected a decent blind date on your behalf.

Whatever your reason, online dating can definitely help make it happen much sooner than many of the other tedious activities which most of us have experienced at some stage. Of course, you are also able to do this late at night (24/7) in your 'jim jams' when you have the time or better still, the inclination.

If you've found what you believe to be a quality site, and it has a large enough data base to support your searches, then you're half way there. While I'm on it, you would be best to register with 2 or 3 dating sites so that you can spread you options that much further.

This brings us to an extremely important consideration and the most imperative part of the process - Your Safety!

I won't pretend to have all the answers, but as much as Internet dating sites have proven time after time that they 'deliver the goods', someone nasty or let me say unscrupulous turns up. These loathsome characters can be easily avoided simply by following these rules and proceeding with caution. Follow these guidelines and you will enjoy what could be the beginning of a wonderful relationship(s) without taking any risks.

If you're smart, these point will become your checklist and eventually a habit.

- Remain anonymous - do not reveal your real identity, email address, home address, telephone numbers, your birthday or indeed, your place of work during your early days of communication

- Don't be dissuaded from the above point

- If you are operating from home check your ISP server to ensure your profile is not revealing more than you'd like.

- Use alternative email services for dating(I have listed FREE services at the bottom of this page).

- Take your time in your first telephone discussions - ask questions (nicely) remembering that they are probably in the same position as you.

- When you do decide to meet for the first time, make sure it's in a public place ie. Coffee shop etc. Do not meet at each others home or anywhere secluded or remote. Take a mobile with you and more importantly, tell a friend or relation where you are going. - Some people even have a friend turn up and sit at another table for comfort - without anyone else knowing of course.

- Here's the last point - stick to all the above points no matter what!

Here are some sites for free email services to help you remain anonymous;


On-line dating while following these rules and can lead you to great friendships, lovers and often marriage.


Publisher & Author: Roy Barker. Roys expertise comes from a lengthy career in the counselling, human resources and corporate arena. Roy has a dating site review service at http://www.datingxlence.com

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