Finding Fun Date Ideas

The three most usual choices for what to do on a date are dinner, a movie, and a public event such as a sports game or concert. Those activities often give the couple several hours of time to enjoy each other's company. But relying on those same activities too often, leads to a loss of a sense of drama and a loss of a sense of importance of the time spent together.

Human nature craves the out-of-the-ordinary. A new experience raises awareness and pumps up our interest level. If a couple continues to occasionally find new and unusual choices for what to do, their time together will be more enjoyable.

Probably the best way to find new ideas for what to do for a date is to make a point of being on the lookout for possibilities. You might see something in the newspaper or in a magazine. Someone you know could share an idea they have had. You never know when an idea will present itself.

You should also actively search for new and unusual things to do. A great place to look for ideas is web sites about things you are interested in. Use Google or your favorite search engine. Key in words or phrases that describe the activities and events that you find interesting and enjoyable. Look through the list of web sites found with the search. Browse the sites that seem most promising. The local visitors' bureau is a possible source of ideas. They will likely have many brochures about local attractions. Look in the community events section of your newspaper. Check out the listings with you county, city or community center. Look through the brochures at the Chamber of Commerce. Look in the yellow pages under headings such as canoeing, rafting, kayaking, hiking, photography classes, and art museums. Check the bulletin board at the library. Use your imagination to adapt what you see at those places to suit your own interests and tastes. Once you have identified a particular interest, go to shops that sell equipment for that activity. Ask about events and programs in your locality.

Keep a list of possible activities. Have a place to keep information such as brochures, maps, and visitors' guides. Set up folders in your computer for storing information you have found online. Use Notepad to copy and paste just what is of interest to you. The File menu of most web browsers has a Save As command that can be used to save an entire web page.

Be open to any suggestions and preferences your partner has to offer. Try to be sensitive to his/her tastes and interests. Give almost as much importance to his/her enjoyment of the date as your own enjoyment. After all, you probably won't enjoy the date if your partner doesn't.

Try to choose activities that give enough opportunities for communication. Conversation and comments you and your date make to each other are often the most important part of the date. Couples need to find out each other's values and interests. Couples need reassurance and the stimulation of each other's ideas.

Pursue your own interests. Being passionate about something makes you more interesting. Revive an old dream lurking in your memory. Or pursue a recent fantasy. What you do and where you go on a date is not so critical if the person you are spending time with is interesting and caring. Finally, stay informed to stay interesting. Keep up with current events and issues. Listen to the news and news commentary programs. One good source I like is the web sites of National Public Radio.

About The Author

Alan Detwiler is author of the ebook Date Ideas: Fun Things To Do For Couples available at He also has a web site with a section about things to do for couples at"

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