Disaster Recovery Made Easy With Online Backups

Whenever disaster strikes the most critical asset that every company should have protected from sudden loss due to fire, flooding, or theft is their data. No matter what happens to your hardware you can be sure to be able to be up and running no matter how sudden or how severe your damage or loss is - if you use an online backup system.

Online data back up is the most cost effective way for you to protect your investment by securely storing your data with an offsite data backup provider. No matter when incidents of data loss occur you can be sure that you will have immediate and complete access to your critical documents as you need it. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year you will be able to access and restore countless hours of work and unlimited amounts of data and documents of any type.

You can choose to restore an entire backup of your account or just the documents you need to get going in the event of a system failure. Access is available to any machine connected to the Internet (with proper authorization to the system) at any time, so you can access your backups from any remote location you choose. Access to backup data can keep employees up and running so even while facilities may be shut down indefinitely, your team can continue to do business as usual with little to no downtime.

Upon configuration of the backup software, offsite remote backups are performed transparently to the end users, so backups are performed thoroughly and consistently without the need for user interaction. There is nothing to remember when using a remote secure backup, you can just "set it and forget it" and be comfortable in knowing that your data is protected from accidental loss due to disaster or user negligence 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

With just a few mouse clicks, you can be back up and running within minutes of a complete system failure, allowing your business to remain productive even under the worst circumstances.

Harald Anderson is a freelance writer and webmaster for http://www.safeharbordata.coman online backup service. Experience the Digital Peace of Mind that accompanies a secure disaster recovery routine for your business. Online Backups

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