An Interesting Look at the Cuban Cigar

Even most non-cigar smokers have heard some of the lore surrounding the Cuban cigar. Long revered as the finest and best tasting brands in the world, they have traditionally been extremely difficult to procure. Consequently there exists a very profitable market for importing and distributing Cuban cigars to cigar-lovers worldwide. There are many brands of Cuban cigars available, but some of the most well known include Coronas Especiales (rumored to be one of Fidel Castro's favorites) and Montecristos.

Many people assume that the distribution of Cuban cigars on U.S. soil is illegal. The truth of the matter is, although there are certain restrictions placed on the importing of cigars from Cuba, there is no outright law forbidding their presence. Recently the Department of Justice altered the original embargo on Cuban products, allowing limited amounts of cigars to be brought back from licensed trips to Cuba. That law has since been expanded to include personal quantities, up to two boxes, for personal use.

Although there is actually no law governing the importation of Cuban cigars for personal use, large business have been fined, at times, for the selling or distributing of large volumes of Cuban cigars to the pubic. Fines are a rare occurrence, however. Many private settings that sell Cuban cigars, such as hotels or casinos, have experienced little or no problems over the years.

In recent years there has been a growing black market for fake Cuban cigars. Most of the time, they are easy to spot because of their poor quality and appearance, but occasionally there have been Cuban imitations that are more difficult to regulate. The only way to ensure the quality and authenticity of a purchase is to take proper care to go to a reputable, reliable dealer of Cuban cigar products.

For any concerned individuals who hope to purchase Cuban cigars, but are worried about legal ramifications, there is little cause for concern. Purchasing Cuban cigars for private, non-commercial use has been going on for years among the most high-profile cigar aficionados, including politicians and movie stars.

Cigars Info provides comprehensive information on cigar smoking, Cuban cigars, discount cigars, humidors, lighters, boxes, and more. Cigars Info is the sister site of Humidors Web.

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