Internetworking and Security Multiple Choice Test

Personally, I dislike Multiple Choice Tests. Because they do not test the student's ability to develop and organise ideas and present these in a coherent argument. However, they test a wide range of issues in a short time and, most importantly, they can be used for quick revision.

Here are 10 questions about general computer internetworking a security issues, the answers are at the end.

Question 1 (Multiple Choice):
What is the definition of a bit?A [ ] The network section bounded by bridges, routers, or switches;
B [ ] A binary digit used in the binary number system, either 0 or 1;
C [ ] An internetworking device, such as a router;
D [ ] The network segmemt within which data packet collisions are propagated;

Question 2 (Multiple Choice):
The main goal of computer security is to maintain these three characteristics: A [ ] Survivability, maintainability, and authentication;
B [ ] Non-repudiation, replication, and availability;
C [ ] Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability;
D [ ] Feasibility, physical security, and virus checking;

Question 3 (Multiple Choice):
How many pins are on each of the ports of a patch panel?A [ ] 4 pins;
B [ ] 8 pins;
C [ ] 11 pins;
D [ ] 45 pins;

Question 4 (Multiple Answers, 2 correct answers):
Which of the following are NOT inherent CAUSES of problems in computer security:A [ ] The rate of change in computer technology;
B [ ] The ever-increasing tsunami of denial of Service attacks;
C [ ] Viruses and other malicious programs;
D [ ] Controlling access to data stored in a computer;
E [ ] Strong encryption protocols;

Question 5 (Multiple Choice):
What tool should be useed to attach CAT5 UTP cableing to a patch panel?A [ ] 110 patch tool;
B [ ] Cable terminator;
C [ ] Punch tool;
D [ ] Patch terminator;

Question 6 (Multiple Answers, 2 correct answers):
Harm occurs when threats are realised against vulnerability. Which of the following are the "best" ways to deal with harm:A [ ] Prevent it by blocking staff access to the vulnerable parts of the facility;
B [ ] Deflect it by making a very secure contact of employment;
C [ ] Prevent it by blocking the attack or closing vulnerability;
D [ ] Deter it by relocating the system to another contrary;
E [ ] Detect it by screening the staff before they start work;
F [ ] Deflect it by making another target more attractive;

Question 7 (Multiple Choice):
Which of these can produce interference on UTP cabling?
A [ ] Fluorescent lights;
B [ ] Fiber-optic cabling;
C [ ] Bridges;
D [ ] Coaxial cabling;

Question 8 (Fill in the Blank):
Not all hacking is bad, most real computer security ............... are the direct result of "hackish" activities!The purpose of computer security is to help ...... ....... It is impossible to guarantee security, because there are no standards regulating Internettrading and no international .........., but a computer can be considered secure, as long as the people that have access to it act .............

Question 9 (Multiple Choice):
Which factor reduces throughput?
A [ ] increased number of users;
B [ ] decreased number of users;
C [ ] increased size of hard drive;
D [ ] decreased size of hard drive;

Question 10 (Matching):
Connect the following classifications (on the right) with the threat that correctly describes each classification (on the left):
A [ ] Interception;
B [ ] Modification;
C [ ] Interruption;
D [ ] Fabrication;

A) Creating user account to be used as part of a social engineering activity;
B) Getting all your friends to help flood email into someone's account;
C) Logging into the universities systems and changing your grades;
D) Reading other peoples email, without their consent;

q1=b,q2=c,q3=b,q4=b&e,q5=d,q6=c&f,q7=a,q8=innovations,hackish,minimise risks,legislation,responsibly,q9=a,q10=a=d,b=c,c=b&d=a.

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