Curb Your Work Fears by Taking Control

By Rebecca McClain

We all know someone who has been directly impacted by the uncertain economic times we're now experiencing. Many people are fearful about their very survival. Perhaps you've already lost your job or concerned that it might happen to you. Maybe you're seeing a decline in business. You, or your child, are graduating soon, but have no prospects for finding a job.

Because of the once-in-a-lifetime impact of the current recession, many people are fearful and under a tremendous amount of stress. In order to survive, it is necessary that we revise traditional practices and incorporate creative, new ways to not only stay afloat, but to thrive.

In the past week I watched two inspiring stories that gave new meaning to the quote, "Desperate times call for desperate measures." The first was a young man from Canada who invested all he had into his singing career and came to the U.S. in hopes of being "discovered." Standing in front of a theatre house on the streets of Chicago, Bernard Lachance peddled his own performances. He made his pitch directly to the queen of daytime TV herself, Oprah. His persistence eventually got her attention and was granted his American singing debut before her worldwide audience.

The second story was about an Atlanta woman who came up with a creative way of reviving her slumping pasta business. Elisa Gambino bought a truck with pictures of ravioli, rather than ice cream, on the sides and took to the streets. With people dining more at home rather than going out to eat during these tough economic times, for the past eight months she's been taking her restaurant to the people. Because she has selected neighborhoods that she delivers to on certain days, the people eagerly await her visit.

Bernard and Elisa took control of their situations and became pro-active, rather than having a wait-and-see attitude. Their stories should be inspiring to anyone who has been fearful of being at the mercy of their circumstances.

Here are five tips to help cure your fears:

1. Leave your options open. You don't want to be so set in your ways that you miss out on golden opportunities. Never say never without weighing the pros and cons. Your greatest opportunity might come wrapped in an unattractive package. Learn to adjust your strategy as your circumstances dictate. Necessity is the motherhood of invention. Like Elisa Gambino, let your need or problem encourage creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem. You might consider cross-training in another area in your department to make yourself more valuable on the job. Another option might be to start a business while working your nine-to-five job. Think creatively and consider all of your options.

2. Network, network, network. With hundreds, if not thousands, of people competing for the same jobs, it is essential that you revise your job search approach. In addition to the traditional methods of filling out applications and submitting your resume to search firms, your most precious commodity might be in human capital. That is, networking. It is true that it's not always what you know but who you know that matters. Make it a priority to connect with old co-workers, supervisors and business associates. Build new relationships through professional and social networks.

3. Do something off-the-wall. If you or someone you know is a recent graduate needing work experience, but no one is hiring, offer your services to someone with influence in your field of interest. Don't feel that it is beneath you to run errands or wash the car of a local top executive. You'd be surprised to know how many successful business people got their biggest break by doing something others would not do. Bernard Lachance came up with a creative way to gain access to someone who had enough clout to change his fortunes.

4. Be Proactive, not reactive. Don't sit around waiting for the axe to fall--test the waters. Brainstorm with like-minded people and come up with resolutions. You are certain to find others who have some of your same concerns. Once you've come up with a realistic solution, move forward and make things happen. If you're concern that your job might be in jeopardy, come up with a back-up plan for a worst case scenario.

5. Invest in yourself. Because you are your greatest asset, your biggest investment should be in yourself. What are you doing to give yourself an advantage in the market place? Do whatever it takes to sharpen your skills. If necessary, go back to school and get a degree. Attend seminars, read books, hire a coach or do an apprenticeship. Commit to a lifetime of learning.

These tips can apply to other areas of your life besides work. Use them to deal with concerns you might have with your finances, health and relationships as well. Let fear be the catalyst to empower you to take control of your life.

Take Action Challenge

What fear are you, or someone you know, dealing with at the moment? Which of the above tips will you commit to this week? Next, move forward and make things happen.

Rebecca McClain is founder of Life Treasures LLC, a personal and professional development company. As an entrepreneur, author, speaker and certified life & business coach, she is recognized as an expert in personal and professional success.

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