Seriously Impress at Your Interview With These 7 Hot Tips

So you've managed to secure a job interview for a position thatfits you PERFECTLY. Now comes the moment of truth: Are youREALLY ready for the interview? If you've rehearsed what you'regoing to say and know the perfect answer to every potentialquestion, you're half way there. There's just one importantthing you've forgotten:


How do you sell yourself and show your potential employer howvaluable you can be to their company? You want to make them hireyou TODAY and not even THINK about other applicants. You knowyou're the right person for the job, so how do you make THEM seethat? Here are seven easy steps you can take to really makeyourself shine during the interview process.

1. First, find out everything you can about the company you'd beworking for. Who are its customers? What is its missionstatement? How does the job you'd be performing relate to thecompany's goals? Finding out this type of information gives yougreat insights on what kinds of questions to ask your interviewerand shows them that you've done your research and already havesome background in the company's business and objectives.

2. Read over the job description carefully. Analyze your ownstrengths and see how you can tie the two together. If you haveprevious experience, make note of those times where you helpedachieve a specific result. Employers give more seriousconsideration to applicants who have a background and a trackrecord in their industry than those who do not.

3. First impressions count. It should go without saying that youshould arrive 15 minutes prior to the interview, dressappropriately (if not above) the position you're applying for,greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and maintain eyecontact throughout the discussion process. Be enthusiastic,personable and outgoing. Show a sincere interest in the peopleyou meet and the work you'd be doing. Interviewers can tell ifyou're desperate!

4. Show that you can solve problems and work well under pressure,since nearly every job will require both skills. If you canidentify a particular problem in your industry or that you mayface when doing this job, give the interviewer some ideas of howyou would solve it. Be calm, relaxed and confident. Somenervousness is expected, but your overall mannerisms (such asfidgeting, nail-biting, slumping in your chair) will be aninstant giveaway on how well you REALLY work under stress. Likewise, if you project confidence and security in how you carryyourself, the interviewer will definitely notice.

5. If your mind goes blank when asked if you have any questions(and you should ALWAYS have a couple of questions ready),consider asking why this position is open. What's the company'strack record and turnover rate? Are they performing well andkeeping employees on board? Remember, you're not just sellingyourself on how you'd be a great fit for this company, butfinding out how this company could also be a great fit for you.

6. If an interviewer asks a question that makes you feeluncomfortable, smile politely and ask, "Why would you like toknow?" Remember, your employer is prohibited from asking youpersonal questions, including references to your race, gender,sexual preference, marriage status and child care situations. Your interview should be focused on how well you can perform thejob, not your home and family life.

7. After the interview, be sure to follow up with a thank-younote. Recount your strengths in the letter and highlight yourqualifications. Touch on specific discussions or conversationsyou had with the interviewer to help them remember that polished,professional, enthusiastic candidate (you). Close the note byletting the interviewer know of your sincere interest in theposition and your confidence in doing it well.

If you keep all of these suggestions in mind, you'll not onlyhave seriously impressed your potential employer, but you'll comeaway from it feeling like a winner too! Good luck!

Roger Clark is senior editor at Top Career Resumes and Career Information Resources who provide free information to job seekers on all aspects of finding a new job and Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

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