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Options Available for Cosmetic Surgery in India

Medical Tourism is a new and developing concept worldwide and one of the major surgeries for which patients opt for Medical Tourism is Cosmetic Surgery, and what better place to get this done than India. Advantages include low cost, no waiting lists and a high quality holiday.

A new dimension of the medical field taking off in India is cosmetic surgery which utilises some of the latest techniques in corrective procedures. Some disfigurations corrected include hair restoration (hair implants, hair flaps, and scalp reductions), rhinoplasties (reshaping or recontouring of the nose), stalling of the aging process (face life, cosmetic eyelid surgery, brow lift, sub-metal lipectomy for double chin), demabrasions (sanding of the face,) otoplasty for protruding ears, chin and cheek enlargement, lip reductions, various types of breast surgery and reconstruction and liposuction.

Non-invasive surgical procedures like streotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy for brain tumours are practised successfully.

A recent report by 'The Independent' last Sunday stated that over 10,000 Britons travel to India every year for tummy tucks, breast enlargements and facelifts with a recuperation beach holiday thrown in. A tummy tuck can cost up to 6,500 pounds in Britain but only 1,500 pounds abroad with a full holiday deal included.

To receive an approximate idea of cost and other information regarding treatments and holidays, please contact us - click here for Cosmetic Surgery options in India

More Medical Tourism Information available at India Medical Tourism website


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