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How To Buy Tanning Bed Supplies Online

New enthusiasts are often confused over tanning beds andsupplies because of issues related to compatibility andavailability. However, there are various online stores thatoffer a large range of tanning bed supplies at affordablerates.

To order online, you should visit a tanning supplier'swebsite, look for a product, its specifications, and thenplace an order. If you are not sure about productspecifications, contact the toll free hotline number.

They will suggest you right supplies, take your order anddeliver the supplies to your home. There are varioustanning supplies available - from tanning bed parts tolotions to give you gorgeous looks. We provide you with alist of commonly used supplies to simplify your search.

* Tanning lamps : Tanning lamps are available in variousshapes and sizes. Manufacturers categorize then accordingto their wattage. Some are for short duration tanning andother are for long duration tanning.

* Fans: A tanning bed installs a cooling fan to minimizetanning bed temperature. If the fan of your tanning bedmalfunctions, you can get it replaced.

* Lamp Holders - Lamp holders are available in manydifferent types and size. Many people change lamp holdersto change the looks of their tanning bed.

* Tanning Tattoo: Paste a tattoo at the desired areabefore tanning. Get into a tanning bed. The tattoo willmake a light colored design for a stylish look. You canalso use a tattoo to check the progress of your tanning. Atattoo in not so visible area will allow you to judge theamount of tanning.

* Tanning Accelerators: Tanning accelerators are thelotions and sprays that accelerate the tanning process.They have some enzymes, which react with our skin andproduce Melaninoids for a darker look. Tanning acceleratorsreduce the time taken at the tanning beds.

* Tanning Lotions: Tanning lotions are used to get a bettertan and to decrease the harmful effect of ultravioletlight. You can select from sun tanning lotions and tanningbed lotions.

* Tanning Clothes: Some of you do not want to tan nude in atanning bed. Wearing normal clothes can bring light markson your body. You can purchase tanning clothes for aregular tanning. Tanning clothes are made of specialfabrics and design to allow maximum exposure to coveredparts even so you don't get those light and dark areas.

As you can see, the list is endless. While everythingcannot be listed here, our intention is to give you anindication of what is available in the market. You cancheck with online tanning supplies stores for more detailsand an exhaustive list of tanning supplies available.

It would be a good idea to compare the rates and offersfrom a couple of websites or online stores to get a gooddeal on tanning supplies.


Find out all you need to know about tanning beds. Arethey safe? Do they work? Why should you use tanning bedsinstead of normal sunshine? Visit

Rachel Stepsen is a lifelong user of tanning beds. She has researched and tested numerous different beds, and investigated all the important safety issues. Now she's written a series of article to share her knowledge andexperience...


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