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Why Tanning Saloons Are The New Beauty Destination

Tanning is so much in fashion that tanning saloons aremushrooming everywhere. Young men and women frequentlyvisit tanning saloons and use their tanning beds much moreoften than they did earlier.

Due to its popularity and the health issues related withit, government has laid down many regulations for tanningsaloons and tanning beds. While home tanning is convenientand readily available, tanning saloons have some uniqueadvantages including variety and safety.

There are five advantages of a tanning saloon over homeequipment. These are:

1. Tanning saloons follow government regulations: Tanningsaloons seek the approval from FDA for the tanningprocedures and use of tanning beds and strictly followthem. They keep client's record and history.

Tanning salon operators ascertain client's ability to tan,history of sunburns, history of skin infections, rashes orother conditions and use of certain medications orcosmetics to prevent phototoxic and photo-allergicreactions. A tanning expert will use this information whileplanning your tanning exposure on the tanning bed oftanning saloon.

2. Use of Equipment Under Expert Guidance: At the tanningsaloons, you use tanning beds and machines under theguidance and care of tanning experts. Well-trained tanningbed operators have thorough knowledge of the equipment andthey can program the tanning bed according to individualclient's need. They will indeed control your dose ofultraviolet light and save you from its harmful effects.

3. Better Tanning beds: Tanning Saloons are equipped withsophisticated commercial tanning beds. Commercial tanningbeds are more comfortable and safe. They have programmableknobs to control the amount and intensity of ultravioletlight.

You also have control on the tanning bed, especially toswitch and open it, when feeling uncomfortable. Tanningsalons also have additional equipments like an Oxygen Bar.This releases oxygen, which reacts with the skin andenhances the production of melanin for a better tan.

4. Various tanning modes: Tanning Saloons offer manytanning options. Besides tanning beds, they offer tanningbooths, tanning lotions and tanning spray. These alternatemethods are for the people who dislike the tanning beds.These alternate tanning options are often a better choice,especially if you are in a hurry.

5. Safety and Style in tanning saloons: Safety devices suchas protective goggles are available in tanning salons forsafe tanning. They also have tanning accessories such astattoos and protective clothes. Tanning tattoos createstylish designs on the body by excluding the tattoo areafrom tanning.

It is therefore evident that while home tanning may beeasier and simpler, professional tanning is more effective,safe and flexible. You may like to keep this in mind whileweighing your tanning options and use the tanning beds.


Find out all you need to know about tanning beds. Arethey safe? Do they work? Why should you use tanning bedsinstead of normal sunshine... ? Click

Rachel Stepsen is a lifelong user of tanning beds. She hasresearched and tested numerous different beds, andinvestigated all the important safety issues. Now she'swritten a series of article to share her knowledge andexperience.


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