Four Problems and Solutions on Feeding Your Newborn

Parents always want to give their babies the very best. When it comes to nutrition, there is nothing like breast milk. Although it's sound so easy to give breast milk to baby, for some women, there are always problems. Here are some problems that might happen and the best solutions you might want to try if you face such problems below:

1. Problem: A common problem that majority of the moms comes across while breastfeeding is difficulty in positioning the baby and getting the baby to "latch on" to the breast correctly.

Solution: This problem generally arises when mother's breasts are fully engorged with milk. Engorgement makes the breast hard and flattens the nipples so the baby has nothing to latch on. The methods that help reduce engorgement will soften the breast allowing the nipple to protrude. An easy way to solve to reduce engorgement is to nurse the baby as frequently as possible. You may also consider expressing the milk using electric or hand pumps. The expressed milk can be refrigerated and fed to the baby later on. Wearing nipple shields half an hour before feeding the baby may also make the nipples protrude. If this problem still persists, you may squeeze the end of breast lightly and offer the nipple to baby.

2. Problem: Another common problem is insufficient milk production by moms.

Solution: To increase milk production, you can apply a warm compress to your breasts before feedings. Doing so will make the let down reflex better. You may also massage your breasts during feedings. Another way to increase milk production is by feeding your baby frequently, at least every 2-3 hours. Doing so would stimulate more milk production. You may also consider pumping your breasts for five minutes when you are not feeding your baby to stimulate milk production. Furthermore, drink plenty of fluids, eat a well-balanced diet, and take time to relax throughout the day and night. Lastly, avoid smoking as nicotine also decreases the milk supply.

3. Problem: Fussiness of babies while feeding.

Solution: This is the frequent problem faced by most of the mothers. Your baby may be crying because of many reasons, e.g., a burp ready to come up, you might have no more milk left in your breast or your baby may be full. Thus, stop the feeding and make your baby burp. Thereafter, offer the second breast to your baby if she appears to be hungry. If your baby is bottle-fed, follow the same process, i.e., interrupt feeding and make your baby burp at least twice or thrice while feeding.

4. Problem: Lactose Intolerance (inability to digest lactose) to baby. Some babies are unable to digest the sugar lactose, which is in cow's milk formulas. They are said to be lactose intolerant. Symptoms of lactose intolerance may include excessive gas, abdominal swelling and pain, and diarrhea.

Solution: If you are breastfeeding, alternate it with lactose free formula as breast milk contains appreciable amount of lactose. Secondly, avoid taking dairy products, as they are likely to enhance lactose levels of breast milk you produce. Thirdly, try to finish one breast before offering the second to your baby. By doing so, your baby will get more of hind milk, which is richer in fat and help cure diarrhea seen in lactose intolerant babies. Finally, a potential solution to this problem may also be switching over to soy-based infant formula, or other special lactose-free formula, several of which are commercially available.

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