Home Remedies for Colic

You are at the end of your rope. You have tried everything under the sun to soothe your little one who is still crying non-stop. Your pediatrician gave you the diagnoses of colic and told you the condition would pass. But they have no recommendations for any type of medication. You have talked with friends that have had babies with Colic and tried all of their suggestions, but you are still staying up at night and becoming more frustrated because you can not help your new born baby.

There are a few home remedies that have proven to help babies with colic. All of these are herbs and before using them you should talk with your baby's physician.

1.) Bryonia alba will help if your baby is irritable and shows signs of constipation.

2.) Chamomilla helps when your baby is cranky and will not stop crying. This soothes the baby that wants held constantly.

3.) Colocynthis should be used for infants with severe colic. If your baby curls up in a ball and seems to be in pain, this is the best herb for relieving the pain.

4.) Magnesia phosphorica works great also if your little one shows any sign of relieve when you place something warm on their tummy such as a hot water bottle.

Pulsatilla is also good for irritable and cranky babies.

You can purchase some colic drops from your local grocery or retail store. These drops do work and will help your little sleep peacefully and you can find these them in the pharmacy area of most grocery stores. You can also speak with the pharmacist and he can recommend which drops are better.

Remember, before you use any type of herb or medication you should consult with your baby's physician.

Taking turns caring for a colicky baby may also help not just your sanity, but also can soothe your baby. Each parent holds the little one in their special way and can comfort them differently.

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