Breastfeeding A Baby
Breastfeeding Your Baby..
Everyone tells you that breastfeeding is best - but why?
- It contains all the nutrients baby will need.
- Breast milk contains antibodies which help baby to fight infections.
- It is more digestible, so baby is less likely to suffer from diarrhea or other stomach upsets.
Breastfeeding is good for mom too.
- It burns off about 500 calories a day by using your body's fat which was put on to help you breastfeed.
- Breastfeeding triggers the retraction of the womb.
It's also free! When you think of how much diapers are going to cost, don't turn down a freebie!
How Do I Do It?
Your baby is born with a 'sucking reflex' which is especially strong in the first few minutes of life.
- Engorgement - Most common 3 or 4 days after
birth. Your breasts overfill with milk, making them feel heavy and hard. Your milk production will probably settle down after a few days; try expressing a little milk before feeds.
- Blocked duct - maybe caused by engorgement; try offering the affected breast first when baby's sucking is strongest - this may clear the blockage. Keep your nipples clean and wear a well-fitting bra.
- Sore nipple - Can be caused by baby incorrectly latching on. Try rubbing milk on the nipple after a feed.