Using Online Ebay Auctions to Promote Your Website - Confessions of a True Traffic Junkie

If you are looking for traffic to your e-commerce site, you should look no further than Ebay. The reason for this is Ebay is an online auction site that has a huge following and millions of hits on a daily basis. Because of this, if you have your products and services being auctioned off on Ebay, your storefront can be linked to the auction which increases your site's visibility. Here are a couple benefits Ebay auctions can provide:

1. You'll Have More Links

It is affordable to auction things off on Ebay and the price could come out of your advertising budget. Regardless of how you pay for it, you will have temporary web space where you can provide all the links you want to your website, photos, descriptions of products, or anything you like. These links will accomplish two things. The first thing they will accomplish is they will help you get higher rankings with the big search engines so other people will click on your site, increasing your traffic and ultimately sales. The second thing these links will accomplish is they take the visitor who is currently shopping and interested in your product right to the description, giving them the option to buy. Regardless of whether or not anyone buys your products online, you will have links to your site which will prove successful in driving traffic. You can re-list your Ebay auctions as often as you like and have as many auctions going at the same time, as well. This is a great way to sell products primarily, and secondarily a great way to promote your website.

2. Guaranteed Targeted Traffic

Most people work hard and long hours trying to develop links and joint ventures to their site to get better rankings. However, with Ebay you don't have to ask permission or link back, you just pay a small fee and there you go. You have another link to your website, you have a website that is as popular as they get, targeted traffic interested in your products and services, and all for a very small fee. Actually, the small fee you pay to get your link and product on Ebay is probably less than the amount of money you lose trying to develop joint ventures. So, consider Ebay and other auction sites when trying to get more links to your website, not to mention selling products.

And above all, Ebay is easy. You can learn how to use the interface in no time at all and before you know it not only will you sell some of your products and services online, you will generate so many targeted leads for such a low cost you will wonder what took you so long to try it.

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